King Coal
2023 | 80 MIN | Spatial Field Recordist
Directed by Elaine McMillion Sheldon

The Recall: Reframed
2022 | 20 MIN | Sound Designer
Directed by Rebecca Richman Cohen

No Time to Fail
2022 | 90 MIN | Field Recordist & Sound Designer
Directed by Sara Archambault & Margo Guernsey

Best Clowns
2022 | 75 MIN | Sound Designer
Directed by Ashley Shelton

My Love
2021 | 60 MIN | Spatial Field Recordist
Directed by Elaine McMillion Sheldon

2020 | 10 MIN | Sound Design Consultant
Directed by Nate Milton
Vimeo Staff Pick | Sundance 2020 Official Selection

2020 | 67 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Lynne Siefert

For Seamus
2014 | 6min | Composer & Sound Designer
By Elaine McMillion Sheldon and Kerrin Sheldon

Music for People in Japan
2020 | 22 MIN | Sound Designer
Directed by Kevin Belli

Love Bugs
2019 | 34 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Allison Otto & Maria Clinton

No Really, It's Fine
2016 | 48 MIN | Sound Designer
Directed by Becca Dobyns

Good Luck Soup
2017 | Feature Doc & Interactive | Sound Designer
Directed by Matthew Hashiguchi

Sesame Street in Communities: Addiction
2019 | 6 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Curren Sheldon & Elaine McMillion Sheldon

Weed and Wine
2020 / 89 MIN / Sound Designer
Directed by Rebecca Richman Cohen

The Longest Year
2018 | 12 MIN | Sound Designer
Directed by Jessie Beers-Altman

Confessions of a Cannabis Consultant
2016 | 12 MIN | Sound Designer
Directed by Mark Dugas

Half a Chicken
2018 | 8 MIN | Sound Designer
Directed by Sarah Ginsburg and Will Lennon

El Desaparecido
2017 | 13 MIN | Sound Designer
Directed by Margarita Martinez

Eat White Dirt
2015 | 25 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Adam Forrester

Recovery Boys
2018 | 89 MIN | Field Recordist
Directed by Elaine McMillion Sheldon

First Light
2015 | 13 MIN | Sound Designer
Adam Mazo and Ben Pender-Cudlip

The Marijuana Divide
2014 | 9 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Elaine McMillion Sheldon

2015 | 14 MIN | Sound Designer
Directed by Adam Roffman
Vimeo Staff Pick

2017 | 16 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Amy DePaola

2017 / 13 MIN / Sound Designer
Directed by Elaine McMillion Sheldon
Plant Moms
2022 | 10 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Amy De Paola

2016 | 32 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Lynne Siefert

Kicking All Odds
2017 | 20 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Hanny Lee

If the Shoe Fits
2018 | 5 MIN | Sound Designer
Directed by Cinder Chou

The Ghost Bike
2015 | 13min | Production Sound & Sound Designer
Directed by Zak Lee

Mrs. Saltzman Goes to Jail
2018 | 7 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Rebecca Richman Cohen

The Experience of Time
2016 | 3 MIN | Sound Design
By Elaine McMillion Sheldon

Sesame Street in Communities: Addiction
2019 | Sound Designer
Directed by Elaine Sheldon McMillion

Jared Dawson is The Church of Lavonia Elberton
2020 / 14 MIN / Sound Design & Music
Directed by Adam Forrester

Movies of the Future with Lloyd Kaufman
2018 | 64 MIN | Sound Design
Directed by Geoff Tarulli

Raising 7
2015 | 16min | Sound Design